You said
"When I Love someone unconditionally, I mean that I love them for who they really are inside, and will continue to love them all along their journey of life as they change and grow, even if they change and grow away from me. Because I love them, not their actions."
And thats it in a nutshell.. You love them enough to allow them freedom of thought, freedom to change and grow. You are so right.
I think when it comes to being disowned by ones family that the words I love you from such ones is so EMPTY. Empty words, that cannot be backed up with touch, association, a mutual sharing of any thoughts, no support in life's road,
If faith without works is dead.. would not love with works be the same..(it becomes conditional)
It's "dead love"
J.W. teaching do not allow that good type of love but are restrictive and as you say "BLACK AND WHITE"..
Where does that leave room for the human spirit, human frailties, and a whole host of where people came from. The conditions that affected them from their pasts and their dysfunctional families.
All families are dysfunctional in some ways.. And J.W.'s leave no room for that aspect..of human fraility.
they leave only JUDGEMENT.
And lisabobeesa.. you are not rambling.
I think the purest time I have felt the highest levels of unconditional love was when I first looked into the eyes of my newborn children and held them for the first time.
They are so pure, so unaffected yet by my ways of thinking.
No , your not rambling.. because I am, as I stare far away out the window I'm sitting by.
Special K